Petition re potential housing on Green Belt in Stoke D’Abernon

Green Belt area GB46, which runs alongside Blundel Lane (north of the rail bridge) near Waverley Road might possibly be developed for housing.

The background is that a report submitted by Savills on behalf of the Crown Estate, during the 2019 Local Plan consultation, recommended the development of this area.

Not only is the area used by many people for walking but it also helps separate the communities of Stoke d’Abernon and Oxshott.

Its development for housing would be a huge loss for everyone who enjoys the open countryside in this particularly beautiful setting. A further danger is that this might open the door for other Green Belt development along Blundel Lane.

Residents of Waverley Road and Blundel Lane have formed an action group named BluWav, which has now started an online petition. Their communication to their supporters is below, and includes a link to the petition. You are encouraged to support this petition to send a strong message to the council that we care about protecting our Green Belt.

The Stoke D’Abernon Residents Association appreciates the need for more housing in the borough of Elmbridge but does not want this to happen on Green Belt.

Petition re Crown Estate land at Blundel Lane and Waverley Road

Below is the link to our petition for you to sign:

We are keen to get as many signatures as possible so please follow the suggestions below. In due course, we will send the petition to Elmbridge Borough Council and Savills, advisers to The Crown Estate.

Signatories can be anybody aged 13 or over living at a particular address.

For people you know who do not have the internet but would like to sign the petition you can with their consent fill in their details and submit through your email address.

Do consider sending the petition to friends and family who live elsewhere but who you feel could be interested in signing the petition.

Do mention the petition to neighbours and others you know living around here. Whilst we have email details for many there are inevitably others who we have not reached and who will likely wish to sign it.

When you have completed your details as required on the screen you will be asked if you wish to make a contribution. PLEASE IGNORE THIS AS WE ARE NOT COLLECTING MONEY!

Best regards

BluWav Residents

The link again

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